“The most dangerous labor of Hercules was the twelfth and final one. Through a deep, rocky cave, Hercules made his way down to the Underworld and found Hades. Hades agreed to let Hercules fight with Cerberus, the hound of Underworld, but only if Hercules overpowered the beast with just his brute strength. Hercules wrapped his strong arms around the beast, wrestled Cerberus into submission and carried the monster back up to our world. King Eurystheus was so frightened that he insisted that Hercules should take the beast back to the Underworld. Hercules did so, and his twelve labors were complete.”
Mythology brings magic back into our everydays. People been fighting against myths in the last century, trying to know the whole world and make it calculable; trying to get rid of suprising and unpredictable phenomens that gives joy in everyday life. Borzois are like mythological creatures: enchanting beings, guards of our everday hell.


